The Community Weaving Sponsorship Model. Allprogram participants (Self-Explorers) regardless of 'means', must request the support of a Sponsor - of community...
Many ONEspace offerings are made as gifts to community without request for monetary exchange. When we do ask a fee, we wish for the offerings to remain accessible to ALL.
"Why Can't I Just Pay for Myself?" You can't pay for yourself, but you can show financial solidarity and pay/support tuition for someone else while receiving support/financial solidarity from someone else... ONEspace practices are all about deepening communication with one's Self and one's community - web weaving... ...The practice of giving and receiving...of reciprocal relationship...of solidarity...of collective-mindedness...
ONEspace for Creative Communication is charged with the intention of contributing to the healing and halting of transgenerational trauma. We approach this through the use of somatics based performance art practices and related True Nature Advocacy work.ONEspace provides a space for we, the people, to dedicate to a deep honest exploration of ourSELF (the individual and the collective, the personal and the transpersonal), to listen to the wisdom inside of us - a wisdom that guides us to be and do our part – and to be witnessed and supported in this exploration by our community.
Healing happens through connection, through the lived practice of community - a practice of coming together, being present to what needs tending, strengthening the web of support for we, the people, and All Our Relations. It is a call for a re-balancing, a re-distributing, a re-organizing, a re-claiming and a re-membering. Our Community Building Sponsorship Model is being birthed of our dedication to answering that call.
The Model What is it? We want to ensure that our offerings are financially accessible to all, while supporting the needs of our organization. In this model, no one can pay for themselves, all must receive tuition support and, depending upon their means, are encouraged, also, to give tuition support to another. Through this practice we make the hands and hearts at our backs visible - the web of support is revealed and grows...
receive support in doing the brave work of visiting with Self and being witnessed by community
practice strengthening the weave of their support web
It is an opportunity for community building - practicing compassion, empathy and interdependence. It is a study on the flow of resources. It is an inquiry into Equity and how we can implement it in our lived practice of community.
How Does It Work? Every participant/Self-Explorer of the Lab Series (October) and the Performance Art Intensive (January) must be sponsored. Sponsors may need to seek out a Patron or multiple Contributors to support them in supporting the Self-Explorer. ONEspace will also be seeking out Sponsors, Patrons and Contributors to provide support for dedicated Self-Explorers who have not found Sponsorship in their current web of support.
The Four different roles (some may play multiple roles):
Make a dedication to truth and honesty within yourSelf.
Committing wholeheartedly to the program.
Seeking out Sponsorship in the community and asking for what you need - this includes asking ONEspace.
Utilizing your Sponsors for mental/emotional/spiritual support and practice consent/sovereignty in 'deep waters'.
The Sponsors (key support person(s) for Self-Explorers - weekly check-ins during programs and *tuition support) Sponsors share a call to action to invest in the Self-Explorer by:
Providing tuition support
Providing availability for a weekly phone call or in person visit to be a listening ear and heart,
Providing reflection of what the Self-Explorer is sharing when they request it - practicing consent in 'deep waters'.
Learning and reflecting on yourSelf through out this process.
The Patrons (not able to be key support person, but wants to provide full tuition(s) - supportive of Sponsors)
The Contributors (providers of partial tuition which can supplement Sponsor's funds)
*Not all Sponsors have the personal means to give the total value of tuition. Options:
A Sponsor may choose to reach out to 1 or a few of their friends to support them with the tuition for the Self-Explorer.
They may choose to launch a crowdfunding campaign for/with the Self-Explorer.
They may accept funds from a ONEspace Patron.
They may choose to augment their $$ contribution with contributions from the Contributors to the ONEspace Programs Tuition Fund. They will make the choice that feels in best service to the Self-Explorer they are partnering with.
Thank you for taking the time to learn of the culture we are creating. There are many options and scenarios for being involved with our programs and supporting the development of the Community Weaving Sponsorship Model. Interested in being a Self-Explorer, Sponsor, Patron or Contributor for The Release Valve - A 'Liberation' Lab Series, or any ONEspace offerings? Please contact us for more personalized information.
FALL /WINTER PROGRAM TUITION VALUES OCTOBER The Release Valve - A 'Liberation' Lab Seriescapacity: 10 participants $1200 sponsored dollars (9 group sessions, 3 private sessions & 1 performance, *a pre-req to the January Performance Art Intensive) - Oct.5 - Nov. 9
JANUARY Women Women Truth & Rhythm - A Performance Art Intensive (open to ALL gender ID's) capacity: 5 participants $2200 sponsored dollars (9 weeks, 14 group & 3+ private sessions with 2 performances) - January - March 2019
More About the Self-Explorers, Sponsors, Patrons and Contributors Self-Explorers A human dedicating to truth and honesty with themSelf - and participating in ONEspace programs: the 'Liberation' Lab Series, A Social Mourning Place, "Women, Women, Truth and Rhythm" A Performance Art Intensive, or one to one Self-Exploration Witnessing sessions with Candace and other ONEspace programs - a Self-Explorer is a brave adventurer, taking a journey into the sea of 'We', a deep dive into SELF (the personal and the transpersonal).
As Marga Laube says in her testimonial about Self-Exploration Witnessing (SEWing), "Each SEWing session I've done with Candace has been a deep dive into my own being, swimming through the shipwrecks there, recovering long forgotten treasure. Though sessions can be emotionally challenging in certain ways, SEWing is ultimately a wildly pleasurable, wholly satisfying, and utterly empowering experience."
Each person who chooses to be a Self-Explorer will practice actively relating with their own sovereignty, their own interdependence, their own True Nature. They will generate declarations to Self, and dedicate to excavating their own personal work and terrain as it lives in relationship with ALL-that-is...ultimately they are the guides on this journey of exploration. The practice of the Self-Exploration Witnessing, the supportive [ONE]space, and the Self Explorer’s Sponsor(s) are there to nourish that exploration, and, its digestion.
Self-Explorers are our scouts - forging, crawling, splashing, floating or diving ahead - navigating the uncharted terrain of their internal picture-book and re-membering the transpersonal...shining the light on their way, which, inevitably, shines a light on OUR way...... they are healers, warriors, seers, artists, story weavers and tellers, they are lovers of Life, in service to the Heart of the Matter...and when they emerge, they will be bearing treasures of personal potency for living and for dying... Interested in being a Self-Explorer? contact us
Sponsors All Self-Explorers who come through ONEspace programs must have a Sponsor to make the journey alongside them as their community witness - the Sponsors support healthy 'digestion' and provide tuition support.
A Sponsor is a pillar of support for the Self-Explorer as well as a curious mind/heart interested in learning growing and being carved out by the experience of swimming alongside the Self-Explorer on their journey through the program - through the rivers of Truth.
Sponsors give and receive the total value of swimming alongside the Self-Explorer on their journey, which includes practicing compassionate listening and empathy. They also benefit from learning through the Self-Explorer's process of discovery & re-membering. *They also give the total value of the tuition.
*Not all Sponsors have the personal means to give the total value of tuition. This offers a next step in practicing community and embracing our interdependence – an opportunity for more community to participate. Options:
A Sponsor may choose to reach out to 1 or a few of their friends to support them with the tuition.
They may choose to launch a crowdfunding campaign for/with the Self-Explorer.
They may accept funds from a ONEspace Patron, or,
They may choose to augment their $$ contribution with contributions from the Contributors to the ONEspace Programs Tuition Fund. They will make the choice that feels in best service to the Self-Explorer they are partnering with.
What are Patrons & Contributors? Patrons A Patron gives the total value of tuition(s) and is either, not able to participate as a Sponsor, or, has the means to give the value of two tuitions, and will be a Sponsor for only one Self-Explorer. This allows for another person - who has the energetic/emotional/spiritual means and curiosity to give and receive the value of swimming alongside a Self-Explorer, but does not have the financial means for the tuition - to participate as a fully supported Sponsor. Patrons are invited to attend the final performance at the end of the program to receive the fruits of the Self-Explorer's work. Interested in being a Patron? contact us
Contributors A Contributor gives any portion of the tuition to the ONEspace Programs Tuition Fund which will be used to support Sponsors in making up the the difference between the total value of the tuition and what they have the means to give. Contributors are invited to attend the final performance at the end of the program to receive the fruits of the Self-Explorer's work. Interested in being a Contributor? contact us