"Someone once told me hearts can’t break, they’re just squishy little things. But they can bruise. And they can burst. Like a water balloon, pricked and seeping salt water tears through the pinholes... ...Love does this." ----Elizabeth Tobey, "Burst", from "What About LOVE?"
Show Description: "What About LOVE?" is a ensemble performance piece created, over the course of a 6 month intensive, by the Ashland based company, ONEspace for Creative Communication. It explores the experience of LOVE. Three people's journeys with LOVE are expressed and cross paths in this 1hr 45min performance piece exploring LOVE "Beyond identity. Beyond you and me." Spoken word, dance/physical theatre, original songs and percussion bring the emotional and often spiritual experience of LOVE to light through the lens of four performance artist's personal journeys with love. A co-creation of a devised work, script, staging, direction and production were by Candace M. Younghans, Founder, ONEspace. Material was generated, using the SEWing approach,by the performers: Elizabeth Tobey, Helen Vaskevitch, Ryan Ginn, Kelvin Underwood and Candace M. Younghans.
ONEspace is interested in sparking moments and telling stories that matter to the wellness of the individual, the society and the Earth. For this piece, Candace (ONEspace artistic director) prompted the performers/Self-Explorers with specific inquiries, then she and the ensemble reached out to their Ashland community, and beyond, with a few of those same prompts - to solicit their thoughts, experiences and memories on LOVE. Bits of these community shares are interspersed throughout the performance and full pieces were shared in the program as well as a book of all writings offered by donation.
Performances are audience engaging and non-traditional, inspired by the work of Brecht, Gertowski, the Living Theatre, SITI Company, DV8 Physical Theatre and Tim Miller. Performers: Candace M. Younghans, Elizabeth Tobey, Helen Vaskevitch, Kelvin Underwood and Ryan Ginn
A message to community during the development phase, April 2013 What does love do? Has your heart ever burst? Who once told you about love? What is your heart whispering to you? What story do YOU want to tell about love?
We Want to Know! What About You? What About Love? For the past several months the cast of ONESpace productions' upcoming show, "What About Love?" (Elizabeth Tobey, Ryan Ginn, Helen Vaskevitch and Candace M. Younghans) has been consumed by that very question. It is our intention with this next performance piece to creatively communicate what our hearts have been whispering to us about LOVE. As we learn with every production we create, the show is much bigger than the externally apparent trappings of performer and stage--it involves the whole of us, it requires a willingness to reflect deeply on what we care about, on our personal experience as human beings and on the whole of the human experience. As we reflect on this thing called LOVE, and encounter the story we want to tell about it, we feel the desire to offer "LOVE medicine" to "we the people." It seems to us that one of the best ways to do that is to, not just invite "the people" to the show, but to INCLUDE "the people" in the writing of the LOVE message itself!
We are excited to invite you to share your heart's whisper with us so that we may include your perspectives and creative expressions in the "What About Love?" script. Please, Tell us: What do you REMEMBER about your time in this life with LOVE? (send short (3-10 lines) pieces that begin with, "I remember...")