Be a part of the Heart Warrior Project!
Here are two simple and powerful ways
to participate in the Compassion-Net:
1. Share with us your written story:
Send in your story to [email protected].
We would like to hear how you've experienced the effects of war.
We would like to know about your relationships with veterans and how that has affected your life, your family's life, the life of your community.
Send in your story of any length.
Thank you for being a part of the Heart Warrior Project!
We would like to hear how you've experienced the effects of war.
We would like to know about your relationships with veterans and how that has affected your life, your family's life, the life of your community.
Send in your story of any length.
Thank you for being a part of the Heart Warrior Project!
2. Share with us your video story:
If you'd like to be a part of a media project collecting interviews with veterans,
and civilian family and friends of veterans,
send in your video to [email protected].
We would like to hear how you've experienced the effects of war.
We would like to know about your relationships with veterans and how that has affected your life, your family's life, the life of your community.
Send in your video to [email protected].
Thank you for being a part of the Heart Warrior Project!
If you'd like to meet with Candace and Honeybee and do a Heart to Heart video interview,
contact Candace at [email protected].
and civilian family and friends of veterans,
send in your video to [email protected].
We would like to hear how you've experienced the effects of war.
We would like to know about your relationships with veterans and how that has affected your life, your family's life, the life of your community.
Send in your video to [email protected].
Thank you for being a part of the Heart Warrior Project!
If you'd like to meet with Candace and Honeybee and do a Heart to Heart video interview,
contact Candace at [email protected].